Grading Guidelines
Grading Guidelines
At Cypress Ridge High School, it is our focus to work side-by-side with all students in order to reach the highest levels of academic success possible.
Grades Recorded in Gradebook will:
- reflect mastery of the course objectives
- provide weekly, timely feedback to students so they have time to modify understanding prior to receiving the next grade over content
- provide specific feedback to the teacher relative to his/her instructional practices and will be used to guide instruction
TESTING SCHEDULE Departments will do their best to adhere to the testing days listed below. However, exemptions may be made and communicated to students:
- Even Days: Science & Social Studies
- Odd days: Math & English
- For cheating offenses students will receive either an academic or behavior consequence:
- Academic consequence: The student will receive a 0 for that assignment and will not have the opportunity to redo that assignment.
- Behavior consequence: The student will receive an office referral and will be allowed to redo the assignment on which they were caught cheating
- A penalty of 10 points off per day will be assessed up to 3 days or a max penalty of 30 points. Failure to turn in the assignment by the final day of the progress report window (Friday at 2:40) will result in a zero. Exceptions will be made for students working with a staff member in a campus intervention.